Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication (SIMC, Pune) is ranked among the top media and Communication colleges in the country offering courses in both MBA (Communication Management) and MA (Mass Communication). SIMC offers four specializations in MBA (Communication Management) Programme: Brand Communications,Public Relations, Marketing and Media Analytics & Media Management. In MA (Mass Communication), SIMC offers two specializations: Journalism & Audio-Visual. We also offer Post Graduate Diploma course in Journalism and Mass Communication, a part-time weekend course.
With a record of more than 25 years of teaching- learning programmes that cater to the Media and Communication world, SIMC now aspires to open its doors to people who want to enhance their skills in the Media & Communication Industry. It also welcomes people who are working already, but want to upgrade their qualifications but can’t find the time, by introducing a new part time (weekend) Post Graduate Diploma Course in Journalism and Mass Communication.